The Ultimate Guide to Transgender Laser Hair Removal

The Ultimate Guide to Transgender Laser Hair Removal

The Ultimate Guide to Transgender Laser Hair Removal
MTF transgender laser hair removal timeline

If you are a MTF (male-to-female) transitioning individual, you are most likely considering, or already experimenting with different hair removal methods.

Chances are, laser hair removal is already on your radar. But with conflicting information on the web, it can be difficult to know what is best for you.

That’s why we’ve put together this ultimate guide to transgender laser hair removal.

Why Choose Laser Hair Removal for an MTF Transition?

There’s a reason laser hair removal has become such a widely popular method of hair reduction. It is safe, efficient, and becoming increasingly more accessible in terms of price.

Laser hair removal is ideal for areas including face, legs, underarms, chest, and back, because the laser is able to target large regions at once. Also, laser treatment significantly reduces the amount of hair after only a few sessions, making it a great starting point.

The reason many trans individuals find themselves disappointed after Laser Hair Removal is because they are promised a miracle solution. However, laser hair removal is not permanent. Rather, it greatly reduces hair for prolonged periods of time. Nearly everyone who undergoes laser hair reduction experiences a few hairs that grow back after time, but the hairs are thinner and lighter and the skin is far smoother.  

If you want to permanently remove each and every hair at a follicle level, you will have to go a step further than laser hair removal.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

As the name suggests, laser hair removal works by applying concentrated pulses of light to the skin. When the pigment in the hair follicle absorbs the light, the hair is made inactive.

At Laser by Aleya in Long Island, we use the LightSheer Diode Laser, which is among the safest and most effective lasers on the market. The LightSheer has a longer wavelength than other commonplace lasers, such as the Ruby, allowing the light to penetrate deeper into the skin. This makes for a safer application on darker and tanned skin tones.

Are You Eligible for Laser Hair Removal?

Before scheduling an appointment, it’s important to assess if you are a good candidate for laser hair removal.

Because the laser is attracted to the pigment of the hair follicle, the effect is far more powerful on darker hairs, such as black and dark brown. Unfortunately, this means that individuals with light brown, blond, red, white, or grey hairs will see minimal results. If this includes you, consider electrolysis instead.

Additionally, lasers are more effective at penetrating lighter skin. While pale skin and dark hair are the best combination for success, this doesn’t rule out laser hair removal for darker skinned individuals.

In fact, the Diode LightSheer laser was specifically designed to be work well on Middle Eastern, Indian, Mediterranean, and African descendent complexions. Since these skin types typically coincide with darker hair, most individuals who fall into this category find that the results are highly satisfactory.

How Long Does Laser Hair Removal Take?

After a few sessions, you will notice that the amount of hair is significantly reduced. Directly after treatment, the hairs in the targeted area will typically disappear, and throughout the course of treatment, they will gradually grow back thinner and more sparse.

Laser hair removal using the Diode LightSheer takes a minimum of seven treatments to have long lasting results. For some people, it can take up to twelve. It is important to wait 4-6 weeks between sessions, and always maintain a proper skin care regimen for best results.  

However, it is critical to remember that laser hair removal is not entirely permanent. Most individuals have to schedule maintenance appointments at least once a year.

When Is the Best Time During a Transition to Start Laser Hair Removal?

Transitioning is a unique journey for every individual. Many MTFs seek different destinations in their transitions, so the timeframe varies greatly person to person.

Because of this uniqueness, laser hair removal can be more time consuming for some than others. The typical treatment timeline for MTF laser hair removal is between 6 months to 1 year.

And, since many MTFs choose to use laser as a preliminary hair reduction tool and move onto more granular methods of hair removal, it may be best to start in the early phases of your transition.

Laser Hair Removal and HRT

HRT, or hormone replacement therapy, is a common part of the journey for many MFTs.  On it’s own, HRT will reduce hair and result in more feminine growth patterns. Still, it is recommended to supplement hormonal therapy with additional hair removal treatment.

It is typical for transitioning individuals to receive laser hair removal prior to starting hormonal therapy as the financial and physical commitment is less than HRT.

It is safe to undergo laser hair removal treatments during hormone therapy, so many people chose to do both at the same time.This usually results in an expedited timeline for hair removal.

Despite being safe and effective, many people are often hesitant about this for financial reasons. To some, it doesn’t make sense to spend money on laser hair removal upfront if HRT will reduce much of the hair anyways.

If you are skeptical about jumping into full body laser hair removal treatment, consider adjusting your timeline. Lots of MTFs doing HRT suggest doing laser hair removal on priority areas such as the face in order to speed up the process. Others recommend holding off on laser treatment once they have reached more stable hair growth patterns.

There is no blanket answer regarding the best way to handle HRT and laser hair removal simultaneously. As always, the best choice is the one that makes you feel most comfortable and meets your body’s unique needs.

What Other Hair Removal Options Are There for Transgender Individuals?

Since laser hair reduction is not completely permanent, you may want to explore additional forms of hair removal to reach your desired results. For areas such as face and chest where you want to maintain a smooth, naturally hairless look, electrolysis may be right for you.

Electrolysis is the only permanent form of hair removal guaranteed to work on all skin types. Electrolysis uses a small probe to target the hair follicle directly with a small burst of electricity. However, since it goes by a single hair at a time, it can be a time consuming process. For large areas like legs, it’s recommended to start with laser hair removal and use electrolysis for the remaining hairs.

Transgender Laser Hair Removal in Long Island

Laser hair removal makes the transition to softer, hairless, more feminine skin easy for male to female transitioning individuals. At Laser by Aleya, we have worked with many transgender clients and guarantee a professional and personal experience. For laser hair removal or electrolysis in Long Island, get in touch to book your appointment.