How Long Does Electrolysis Hair Removal Take To Work?


While it’s easy to give a general idea of how long it will take laser hair reduction to work it’s much more difficult to say how many sessions you will need to get results with electrolysis hair removal. The reason that it’s not an exact science is that your results are based on a wide range of factors.

What Have you Done To The Hairs In The Past?

If you’ve been shaving, tweezing or threading your hairs for years then they’ve become very strong. The stronger the hairs, the more time it will take to weaken and destroy them.  Waxing isn’t as bad but will still require work.

What’s Your Ethnic Background?

If you’re Middle Eastern, Indian, Italian or Greek you’re likely to have stubborn hairs and often times there’s a lot of them. If you’re Asian, Polish, French or from most other European countries then you’re hairs are a little weaker and the treatments won’t take as long.


If you have certain hormonal issues then you may start growing out some new, strong hairs in places that you don’t want them. In general, these hairs tend to be thick and stubborn so they will take time to treat.

The Amount Of Hairs

The more hairs you have the longer it will take to treat them. If you are working on a smaller area then it may take a few minutes to an hour to treat. If you’re working on a large area then you may need multiple treatments to finish a section before the hairs regrow and you need to do it again.

How Often Do You Plan On Getting Treated

Your hairs are weakest when they first start growing so it’s important to get them in their early growth stage, This means that you should be getting weekly or biweekly treatments in the beginning. Later on as the growth cycle changes you can get treated less frequently but in the beginning you will have to be patient. If you get treated randomly you will still get results but it will be a much, much longer process so be sure to stick to a schedule.

Getting Started with Electrolysis

Everyone is different so you will see results at a different pace than someone else. However, if you stick to it you are guaranteed results. Remember, electrolysis is the only form of permanent hair removal that has over 130 years of history and is approved by both the FDA and the board of medicine. Be patient with it and you will benefit from long term results. Schedule an appointment at Laser by Aleya in Long Island to get started on the path to permanent hair removal.