Post Laser Hair Removal Treatment Guide


While it’s important to go into your laser hair reduction session in a shaven and clean manner to get a good treatment, it is equally important that you pay close attention to the post laser hair removal treatment instructions. Here are a few basic rules that you should always follow in order to get a safe and effective treatment.

No Tanning– It’s imperative that you avoid getting a tan whether it’s by sunlight or at a tanning salon because you risk the chance of getting burned. If your skin does get tanned for any reason then take some time off until you’re back to your regular skin tone and then feel free to proceed with your sessions again.

Soothe Your Skin– It’s normal for your skin to be red and slightly swollen right after your treatment. This may last for a couple of hours directly after your session but if it continues for a day or two, apply aloe Vera to the area to cool it down and get rid of the itchy feeling that you may be experiencing. Applying ice to cool the area is also a good idea.

Shave Away– While you’re getting laser hair reduction, you can shave regularly without worrying about the consequences. You cannot however, tweeze, thread or wax the hairs that are being worked on because if there isn’t a hair in the follicle then you’re not doing anything during the treatment.

Cool Down– Another post laser hair removal care instruction that should be noted is that if you shower directly after your laser session, be sure to use lukewarm to slightly cool water rather than hot water. Your skin may be slightly sensitive at first so hot water may irritate it. Don’t forget that these lasers are pretty strong and just because you may have a very comfortable treatment it doesn’t mean that you didn’t put your body through a lot of work.

Makeup– You can go ahead and apply makeup after you’ve been treated as long as the skin is not irritated.

Exfoliate– About five days after your treatment you may want to exfoliate your skin to help get rid of any hairs that may be ready to fall out. The hairs should fall out on their own but this just quickens the process and helps make your skin look better in general.

Moisturize– It’s always a good idea to moisturize your skin but it’s especially important to do so after being treated with a laser. The moisturizer helps to get the hairs to fall out after they’ve been treated.

Be Gentle– For the next few days be gentle to your skin. Pat, don’t rub it after a shower, avoid scratching and wear soft clothes.

If you notice any marks or other disturbances to your skin then call your laser technician to find out what steps you should take. If the marks don’t go away in a few months then you may need to see your dermatologist. Otherwise, be sure to follow these post laser hair removal treatment instructions because they can help you to avoid damaging your skin.